From 2024 it will be necessary for travelers from more than 60 countries without a visa requirement to arrange a travel authorization for their trip to Europe. This consent is processed by the European Travel Information and Consent System (ETIAS).
Renewed Schengen Information System (SIS) operational
On Tuesday 7 March 2023, the renewed Schengen Information System (SIS) went live in all Schengen countries.
ETIAS: travel authorization for visa-exempt persons traveling to Schengen
ETIAS is the new EU travel information and authorization system. The system applies to third-country nationals who are exempt from the visa requirement and wish to travel to the Schengen area.
EU: agreement to link ETIAS to EU databases
The Presidency of the Council and the representatives of the European Parliament have provisionally agreed on the rules linking the central ETIAS system to the relevant EU databases.
EU information systems for Schengen visas
Governments across the EU exchange information through large-scale IT systems to protect citizens, fight crime and secure borders. The EU has set up these IT systems and is currently working on improving them and setting up new IT systems.